A school of

Geometrical Art Skillbuilding

Perth, WA


....The Set up....

This setup currently operates as a flexible sole teacher enterprise. Created to focus on the scope of learning and skill building via the geometrical arts in-person. It has been created to provide for interest from the community at large, and therefore to cater for on-site classes from homeschool, afterschool, and adult interested learners generally in the region of Perth, Western Australia, (at various suitable venues).

It has been specifically setup as an on-site learning for the purposes of direct teacher & student, student & student communication and insights, with the intention of facilitating the greater benefit overall of hands-on practical drawing and application, e.g. compared to just watching/viewing geometrical relationships (eg on a screen).

....The Teacher....

Hi, my name is Sharon McCann, a former homeschool parent/teacher for over 7 years. My son has recently finished his homeschool journey (to attend upper high school) in late 2023. I have now chosen to focus on teaching one subject in particular that I love:The Geometrical Arts. This is a subject I find to be a very valuable skills foundation for developments in todays world and across many disciplines. While I have been practising and teaching this subject over the homeschool years, other former formal qualifications include:

BA(Hons) in Fine Art (Nottingham Trent,1993),

MA International Relations (Norwich,1997),

& Certified Teacher training in Vedic mathematics (with Distinction), (2018).

Less formerly, I also have a keen interest in ecology.

A hub for creative activity and confidence in skill building


Tactile sense

Grounded awareness


Natural discipline & Inner confidence


Creative Form Drawing

(Age group 9yrs - 99+)

“It is the act of drawing that educates, not the result…drawings are a visual record of the processes that produced them”

-Rosemary Gebert, Form Drawing Educator

The focus of the class is to develop awareness and skill in freehand drawing; defining symmetrical forms and patterns in space (eg forward, backwards, up, down etc) and with colour. Shapes and patterns are hand drawn using drawing materials such as pencils, crayons, chalk, paint etc on media such as paper, chalkboard, concrete etc...

... helps create a real and firm foundation for the development of geometrical concepts and accompanying maths...

All materials included in class.

Freehand Creative Form Drawing exercises support, develop and extend ability in the following:

- Fine motor skills, co-ordination and dexterity.


- Perceptions of contrast, rhythm and structure.

- Flexibility in thinking.

- Creativity and Imagination.

Awareness of geometry, inherent mathematical proportion, and spatial arrangement.

*please note*

This class is a skill and awareness developmental experience, and like any well -acquired skill takes time and application to master - the journey being rewarding itself.

The purpose of this class is not primarily or firsthand to present an outwardly attractive picture; new capability and inspiring pieces of artwork become the eventual natural outcome...

Step & Key

Tile patterning design

Age group 12+

This is a great class to explore the variety of ways a created ‘tile’ pattern can be used to create a variety of design outcomes based on what content we fill it with, how we repeat it, and how we orientate each tile relative to each other. We learn to understand what tile features work well and how we can achieve differing patterns with the same tile feature.

All materials included in class.

Celtic Triquetra Knot
Celtic Triquetra Knot

This is a class inspired by early traditional Celtic Design methods. A good foundational approach to Celtic design work is to first explore some of the basic, easy to create, step and key patterns that inform backgrounds and borders in much Celtic Art. Students can create their own design via understanding these methods employed by design practitioners of Celtic art and manuscripts.

Celtic Triquetra Knot
Celtic Triquetra Knot

Intro to Geometric Drawing Tools

Age group 10+

Frustrated with, or scared of the compass, protractor and other mathematical drawing and measuring tools?

Want to create beautifully proportioned geometric art?

A class created to focus on learning and practicing how to confidently develop and discern use of geometrical drawing tools such as the compass, protractor, set square and rulers for artistic (and also indirectly for mathematical) purposes.

- Exploring formal and other less known creative ways to use tools for measuring.

- Also created to know what to buy or invest in for intended use at an economical price. For one example; an issue with a compass can be that it moves about too freely, which can really affect a students motivation and experience of difficulty.

*The aim is for students to have familiarity and confidence to use these instruments in any other class.*

I created this class due to prior class experience, where I noticed that it takes a little bit of practice for students to really get to grips with using geometry sets as drawing tools. This class paves the way for more time to be focused on the actual creation of art pieces in the other related classes, and allows for class groups to move forward more coherently as a group, where everyone is able, comfortable and confident using a basic tool set.

*This class is a prerequisite for general Geometrical Art, Illustrating Polyhedra and the Projective Geometry classes, unless of course the student can already ably demonstrate confidence with using tools with geometric tools such as the compass, protractor, set square etc.*

All materials supplied in class.

Geometric lines

Geometrical Art Class - General

Suitable for age 10+

In this class we create a variety of geometrical artworks and patterns.

Simultaneously understanding and experiencing the nature of the fixed geometrical laws and proportional relationships between the circle, triangle, square, and spiral in 2-D space...

....with space for our own creative imagination in process, including the use of colour, tone and texture in geometrical art creations.

(The geometry commonly taught in schools is known as Euclidean geometry, after the Greek mathematician Euclid. It is geometry for flat or plane surfaces.)

Illustrating Polyhedra

(Age group 12+)

This class explores the platonic solids and other polyhedra through active drawing; discovering underlying geometrical principles and creating illustrations of polyhedra. We will be illustrating the 3D appearance of the solids in 2D drawing, and with colouring.

The significance of the Platonic solids:

The Platonic solids have been studied for thousands of years. Known to be first identified by Plato. The nature of the Platonic solids can be seen to be reflected in many aspects of our universe; including crystals, microscopic sea animals, plant formation and much more. They were associated with the elements of fire, earth, air, cosmos and water: the building blocks of physical material. What they have in common is that they are the only five three-dimensional forms that have in each makeup: identical corners, edge lengths, and surface shapes. Many philosophers and scientists have studied them, and as such they have today become a study in educational curriculum.

The German astronomer Johannes Kepler, in 1596, proposed that the distance relationships between the six planets known at the time (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) could be understood in terms of the five platonic solids, and that they reflected a divine plan expressed through geometry. He developed a Platonic solid model of the solar system. (Picture courtesy of Wikipedia, Kepler - Platonic solids)

Please note: If the student is not used to using geometry sets and tools, it is essential to become acquainted before taking this class. Please see The Intro to tools (single class) as a prerequisite to attending this class if necessary.

Projective Geometry

(Age group 15+ )

Projective geometry studies the metamorphosis of form through time and space.

In this class we explore form in varying perspective, without requiring adherence to the conservative fixed rules and measurements of Euclidean geometry. It is a study of how forms can arise and interact in the interplay of three basic geometric entities:

point, line and plane.

While it is not difficult (since it does not adhere to fixed rules and measurements), it is a somewhat new way of looking, seeing and creating advanced perspectives in drawing, and as such suitable an older age group where the intellect is developing.

Ideas of form connect to relatable projection through time and space; one form changes into another without losing its identity.

Every form can be seen to have a counter form in infinity.

All materials supplied in class

‘Projective geometry is all geometry”

- Arthur Cayley (1821 - 1895)

“How often do we forget that mathematics is in fact an art”

- Olive Whicher (from Projective Geometries - Creative Polarities in Space and Time - 1971).

Fabulous Image from Olive Whicher in above publication.

Colour Only Perspective

This is a class dedicated to colour.

In this class we will simply explore colour and colour relationships. Using just colour we can create moods and tones, colourful expressions. We can see and experience how colour can create its own sense of perspective through the character of each colour, and by observing a colour presence relative to each other.

We can see and experience how colour takes form.

The primary medium in this class is watercolour due to its fluidity and how the colour mixes and blends on watercolour paper; but the class will not always be limited to watercolour where the colour adventure may creatively lead elsewhere with other colour media.

All materials supplied. Suitable for all ages.


Shade and Form

Colour taking form...


Coming soon

On line booking


Email: sharonmccann5@yahoo.com

Tel: 0432 993 573

General Practice Policy:


  • All classes are generally materials supplied, and this will be clarified on booking. There may be on occasion the possibly of a materials levy for certain projects, again this would be clarified before booking and in booking information.

  • Students can and are welcome to bring their own suitable materials where they have their own favourite eg coloured pencil sets, or suitable other they like to use.

Health & Safety:

  • Sharon McCann acknowledges health & safety procedures, every care will be taken in this regard and will be clearly communicated where applicable .

Complaints & Compliments procedure:

  • Sharon McCann is committed to seeking and receiving feedback and complaints about services and practices offered. Addressing concerns is appreciated. Any feedback or complaints that can, within good reason, be communicated directly and resolved at first contact with Sharon McCann will be accepted without prejudice.

  • A book labelled ‘Feedback’ will be available (with pen) on site at all classes for any written feedback without prejudice. Anonymous compliments or complaints will be excepted.

  • All complaints will be dealt with as soon as possible and appropriate, relative to the nature of the issue. Those involved will be provided with reasons for Sharon McCanns decisions with options for redress or review.

  • While committed to being accessible and responsive to all people who approach with feedback or complaints, at the same time, quality of service depends on the ability to deliver classes in the best way possible, with fair consideration for all processes involved.

Booking Terms of Trade & Refund Policy:

  • Payments made be made as follows: [available payment methods]

  • Spaces in classes cannot be attended or held without payment.

  • Payments to be made in full at time of booking at the fixed price.

  • An enrolled student cannot have another individual attend class in their absence.

  • Students may only attend the day and time of the class they are enrolled in.

  • Swapping of classes between students is not permitted.

  • Enrolling participants are responsible for keeping Sharon McCann notified of correct contact details; phone, or e-mail information.

  • Courses without the minimum number of participants 4 days before the start date of a class may be cancelled or rescheduled.

  • Refunds will be given by way of the payment method eg Bank transfers would be refunded via bank transfer.

  • A full refund will be given where Sharon McCann has to cancel a single class booking. For single classes operating within term time course bookings - that may have to be cancelled for unforeseen reasons - those classes will be suitably rescheduled.

  • Participant single class only bookings, if cancelled, can only be refunded 4 days before a class starts.

  • Participant term class bookings can only be refunded 7 days before the term starts. Refunds are not possible once term commences.

  • If booking is made for a term, no refunds can be given for any single classes unattended within the term booking. No pro-rata payments are available for term courses.

  • Any materials levies will be stated at time of booking and require full payment with booking, but will be fully refundable where the class or full term booking is cancelled.

  • All prices are inclusive of GST.

  • No video recording is permitted in class. Any photos require permission of those involved.